- Introduction
- Context
- Key Actors
- Social Media Presence
- Impact of Movement
- Critiques of Movement
- Conclusion
As the Industrial Revolution became rampant in the 1800s, clothing became an iconic product that came from the labor-intensive era. [1] In the 1990s to early 2000s, the fashion industry in America became inundated with copious amounts of clothing, which coined the term “fast fashion.” As consumers become more and more aware of the environmental and ethical detriments that the industry causes, they have been initiating waves of smaller movements dedicated to slow the impacts of fast fashion. With their newfound awareness, people began to kickstart multiple revolutions and efforts to lessen the impact and fight against fast fashion companies. The movement against fast fashion is particularly important, as the fashion industry is the second-most pollutive industry in the world. [2] The burgeoning #FastFashion movement exposes the environmental consequences of the fashion industry to consumers, who utilize Twitter to raise awareness and vocalize their stance on reducing their environmental footprint.
Fast fashion impacts not only consumers in America and other first-world countries but particularly third-world countries. Major fast fashion companies solicit the help of workers in third-world countries to make cheap clothing in a timely fashion. The social media, #FastFashion, primarily focuses on America. People began learning about the environmental impacts of fast fashion from Elizabeth L. Cline’s book, Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion. Following the growth of people’s awareness about this pressing issue, people started to voice their concerns against fast fashion.
Dhaka Garment Factory collapses and kills over a thousand people. This occurrence in Bangladesh made national news and drew attention to the issue of fast fashion. One of the pioneering activists against fast fashion, Cline writes about the overconsumption of fashion in America [5]. The book also sheds light onto the environmental consequences of fast fashion, once unknown to the public. Fashion Revolution Day mourns the tragic anniversary of the Ranza Plaza building collapse. Each year, Fashion Revolution Day intends to raise awareness of the social and environmental impacts to consumers. This led to the popular #WhoMadeMyClothes hashtag, which confronts large fashion brands’ for their lack of compassion. During Zara’s annual shareholders’ meeting, the fashion empire promised to focus on sustainability [9]. Zara made the ambitious goal to make all of its fabrics out of sustainable materials by 2025. September is markedly known for people making constant purchases for autumn and winter clothing articles. With this in mind, Oxfam challenges shoppers to not buy a single article of clothing for the month of September via their Second Hand September campaign [10]. With the rise of globalization and increase in overseas production, fast-fashion became rampantly consumed by people all over the world. Big retail brands being to seek out developing countries to produce low-quality clothing with extremely low pay and abusive working conditions. America shifted from producing 95% of their clothing to a mere 3% — the remaining 97% is produced all in third-world countries [3]. H&M launched its first Conscious Collection, in which clothes are made with sustainable materials [7], launching one of many movements to promote sustainable clothing.
Analog Antecedents
The Climate Movement was the most influential and widespread movement preceding scrutiny of the fashion industry. [11] In order to raise awareness of the harm that #FastFashion has on the environment, there first had to be a movement that identified the effects of environmental degradation. The Climate Movement is far-reaching and covers many different subcategories; some issues surrounding climate are related to the impact of eating animals which emit CO2, such as addressed in the documentary “Cowspiracy,” while others are tied to consumerism, such as addressed in the documentary, “The True Cost.” The moment “The True Cost” was broadcasted to the masses marked a pivotal moment in the history of the Sustainable Fashion movement, as well as facilitating increased awareness about other civil and human social movements. All issues surrounding the Climate Movement are each vital, but have their own identity and supporters. Although climate change is a pressing modern-day movement, the Climate Movement goes as far back as the 1900s when the first international treaty was signed, titled, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). [12] Following this treaty, numerous In 2014, the first major event happened in this movement which was the 2014 People’s Climate March which amassed over 300,000 participants. [13] As more attention is mounted on this growing problem, celebrities bang using their voices to raise awareness as well. In 2014, Matt Damon created The YEARS Project which is a campaign that generates informative videos of the climate crisis through their youtube channel and other social media outlets. [14][15] #TheYearsProject is a social movement that streamlines the climate change movement while #PutAPriceOnIt is more of a political push. The phrase ‘put a price on it’ is in reference to legislation that would tax carbon. Other key players are organizations such as National Geographic which make films like ‘years of living dangerously’ that draw attention to how pressing an issue environmental degradation is. [16]
Key Actors
Stella McCartney

Elizabeth L. Cline
Elizabeth L. Cline published Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Clothing in 2013. This book sent shockwaves among consumers in America, as they were just realizing the environmental consequences of fast fashion [19]. Cline’s book was a pioneering force for sustainability efforts in the fashion industry. Moreover, this book was a key point for finally bringing awareness to Americans.
Millennials/Gen Y
Millennials/Gen Y consumers are essential players who contributed to America’s gradual path to sustainable fashion. Though they understand that fast fashion is much more affordable, many have decided to support sustainable clothing through their dollars [20]. Consumers are extremely important, as they can decide the fates of the industries. Though fast fashion is still a rampant issue in the world, people are gradually lessening the problem with where they spend their money.
Paul T. Horgan
As a writer for The Conservative Woman, Horgan asserts that fast fashion is a choice that consumers make, benefiting the global economy. He also asserts that the third world countries that produce the clothing have a stronger economy [21].
Celebrity Endorsers
Taylor Swift

Ellie Goulding

Chrissy Tiegan
In March of 2017, Chrissy Tiegan attended an event to view the H&M Conscious Exclusive Collection [26]. She has previously made various appearances to promote sustainable fashion, conveying that she is an ally for ethical clothing.
Other Related Figures
Brooke Roberts-Islam
Brooke Roberts-Islam is a Forbes journalist who focuses her pieces on the modern fashion industry. She reports on the latest updates of sustainable fashion and how fashion is coinciding with technology. She often writes about mobile applications that promote reusable fashion, which takes advantage of the current gig economy.
Aine Rose Campell

Social Media Presence
For this particular social movement, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and independent blog forums were the primary platforms that inspired individuals, or activist groups would use to educate others on the horrors of the Fast Fashion Movement. While there are certain demographic changes across the realm of these social media platforms, activists used various hashtags to centralize all the relevant content as well as establishing a more consistent and powerful virtual presence. As advocacy groups and concerned individuals started popularizing select hashtags and keywords, the centrality of coverage would allow for the movement to establish stronger network internalities across a plethora of groups and organizations. Twitter posts using these keywords and hashtags are more frequently referenced by journalists or other media publications as opposed to Facebook groups or Instagram posts. The fact that there are a plethora of popular hashtags that renounce the environmental impacts of Fast Fashion, such as #WhoMadeMyClothes, #SecondHandSeptember, #SustainableFashion, #Sustainability and #SlowFashion allows for this movement to maximize the user base that sees the content in hopes that it would lead to a greater level of user engagement.
Social media has directly helped increase consumer awareness of the issue behind the fast fashion industry. Rather than placing sole responsibility for radical change in the hands of the companies or designers themselves, social media has allowed for anyone to vocalize their perspectives on this issue, or even take it a step further and take action into their hands. Considering that the Fast Fashion movement calls its user base to expose the harsh environmental and humanitarian injustices imposed by select corporations, it can be perceived that social media platforms facilitate the widening of the Overton Window, or allow for a broader range of unrestricted ideas and discourses. Since the success of a brand is correlated to their public perception, ensuring that their virtual presence is favored by the majority of the global population is a major priority. Social media allows for the brand to connect to their consumers as well as give an insight into what needs to be changed.
The #FastFashion movement, specifically focusing on sustainability issues, is considered to have undergone an Organic growth. While there were a couple events that had facilitated increased social media awareness, such as the textile factory that burned down in India in 2013 and Stella McCartney’s exposing campaign video, the majority of the awareness has been spread through your “average millennial consumer” due to the fact that they are much more active online. While there are a select few celebrities, such as Chrissy Teigan, Kate Wood, Taylor Swift and Ellie Goulding that have individually expressed their concern for the lack of sustainable sourcing methods employed by many leaders of fashion industry’s practices, their presence on social media in support of this social movement do not classify them as movement leaders, but rather as endorsers willing to provide their large social media user base as a growth mechanism for social change.
When looking at the #FastFashion movement, there is a huge offline presence that advocates for better sustainability methods. One of the most impactful offline campaigns that has been implemented across many brands is pushing services that prioritize restoring and reusing their clothing rather than replacing them. Brands such as L.L Bean and Harvey Nichols implemented a “Pull Factor Framework” which is a new methodology that strives to make sustainable innovation more enticing for consumers and producers alike. One way brands successfully utilize the Pull Factor Framework [29] is by facilitating radical transparency in various aspects of their business such as their shedding light on their supply chain production, or informing their customers about their ethical sourcing methods. In 2013, designer Stella McCartney created a video campaign that exposed the horrendous environmental problems caused by many brands. Since then, she has shifted her business model where the emphasis is placed on creating a totally sustainable brand, ranging from their production methods to their supply chain. Her efforts to promote ethical fashion was a catalyst for many other high fashion and fast fashion brands to change their business models so that they are more environmentally conscious. H&M and Zara, the two most notable companies that contribute to Fast Fashion have implemented new collections that focused on creating sustainable pieces directly after consumers bashed them for their lack of environmental consciousness.
Impact of Movement
After the release of the documentary ‘The True Cost’ and ‘River Blue’, there was attention drawn to companies that have fast fashion practices. One of the largest scapegoats of this criticism is H&M, which has tremendous revenues amounting to some 25 billion dollars in the fiscal year of 2016. However, their stock and image have taken a hit since consumer awareness has spread of their outsourcing practices and disregard for environmental and humane issues.

In addition to prompting lawmakers to create policies in favor of ethical fashion practices, the #FastFashion movement has grabbed global attention. The movement has spread major awareness within the fashion community and has mobilized both consumers & designers in the fight for environmentally-conscious practices.
Critiques of Movement
Because the Climate Movement is so broad, it is difficult to call attention to all aspects of the movement. Additionally, channels that call attention to fast fashion brands aren’t mainstream enough and don’t get enough attention. The closest that the movement came to breaking barriers is at the time of the 2013 Dhaka garment factory collapse which sparked controversy over labor practices in third-world countries. However, there hasn’t been a single event to call attention to the many people that have been negatively affected by the toxic chemicals from the fashion industry which cause mental illness in those in closest proximity. Much has yet to be brought to light and much accountability has yet to be taken.
The #FastFashion movement isn’t accessible to all. “Sustainable clothing” is often quite expensive due to the cost of fabric, the cost of labor and far wage, the ‘niche market’ allowing higher prices, and retail markup. Until sustainable shopping becomes more common and widely adopted, it will continue to not have enough competition to drive down the prices and therefore it is inaccessible to lower income populations.
Though various fast fashion companies have vowed to initiate sustainable clothing, fast fashion continues to harm the environment. Influencers and prominent figures who support environmental justice were able to help raise awareness regarding fast fashion’s environmental impacts to a population where it was otherwise unknown. With the people’s newfound awareness, they have attained various milestones; their voice and shopping habits were made known to huge corporate retailers. Additionally, individuals and organizations have designated campaigns to combat the debilitating effects of fast fashion. Although the social movement against fast fashion spans across almost a decade, it is still a relatively nascent movement. Fashion companies have attempted to alter their ways of creating fabrics, but a simple solution to reverse the environmental effects is yet to be found.
Author Biographies
Christine Sin | christinesin@berkeley.edu
Christine is a fourth-year English major at UC Berkeley, graduating in Spring of 2020. She is enthusiastic to spread her knowledge regarding ethical, sustainable fashion to help better the environment.
Paul Ruback | paulruback@berkeley.edu
Paul is a third-year Conservation and Resource Studies major at UC Berkeley, graduating in spring of 2021. After attaining a Bachelors of Science, Paul then hopes to attain a Law Joint Degree with a Masters in Environmental Management and a Juris Doctor from Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. With this, his hope is to work in the EPA or for a non-profit and practice Environmental Law.
Kush Kakaiya | kkakaiya98@berkeley.edu
Kush is a fourth-year Interdisciplinary Studies major at UC Berkeley focusing on the intersection between Business, Innovation and Global Development. He is particularly excited about this project because of his immense love for the fashion industry and hopes to educate himself, as well as the global population about how to be a more ethically conscious consumer in the 21st century. After graduating in the Fall of 2020, Kush is hoping to utilize his breadth of knowledge by working for a tech company or start-up, specifically as a Business Development or Strategy associate.
Raaghav Goel | rgoel@berkeley.edu
Raaghav is a third-year Electrical Engineering and Computer Science major at UC Berkeley, graduating in the spring of 2021. He has always had an interest in the fashion industry and hopes to educate readers about the need for a move towards sustainable practices in the fashion industry. After graduating, Raaghav hopes to work in the tech industry as a Product Manager armed with the interdisciplinary perspectives that he developed during his time at UC Berkeley.
Works Cited
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انواع سیستم های تهویه مطبوع ساختمان های مسکونی، اداری، تجاری و صنعتی را می توان از نظر نوع ژنراتور به چهار قسمت مختلف و از نظر توزیع هوای سرد و گرم به دو قسمت کلی تقسیم کرد که هر کدام دارای یک زیر مجموعه هستند. (در مجموع حدود 14 نوع مختلف).
تقسیم بر اساس نوع کندانسور:
چیلر تراکمی آب خنک (کندانسور آب)
چیلر تراکمی هوا خنک (کندانسور هوا)
دستگاه هایی مانند کولر گازی به دلیل عملکرد و بر اساس سیکل تبرید تراکمی در این دسته قرار می گیرند. با این تفاوت که چیلر جزء سیستم های مرکزی (ساختمان های متوسط تا بزرگ) و تهویه مطبوع جزء سیستم های محلی (اتاق هایی با متراژ کوچک) است.
چیلر وسیله ای برای خنک کردن آب است. پس از خنک شدن آب چیلر با پمپ به واحدهای داخلی ساختمان مانند فن کویل پمپ می شود تا فن کویل ها دمای هوا را کاهش دهند.
فر با هوای گرم
کوره هوای گرم یک سیستم تقویتکننده قدیمی است که هوای گرم را از طریق کانالهایی در قسمتهای مختلف ساختمان توزیع میکند و معمولاً در ساختمانهایی با فضای یکپارچه مانند سولههای صنعتی یا ساختمانهای تجاری با فضای بزرگ و یکپارچه استفاده میشود. در کوره هوای گرم، هوا توسط مشعل گاز و گازوئیل گرم شده و از طریق کانال کشی به داخل ساختمان منتقل می شود. انواع مشعل ها جزء تجهیزات تکمیلی مولدهای حرارتی هستند. مانند اتمسفری، پنکه، گازی، دوگانه سوز و غیره.
انواع سیستم های مولد چهارفصل (هم سرمایش و هم گرمایش)
دو نوع 14 سیستم تهویه مطبوع ساختمان شامل سیستم هایی است که تمامی تجهیزات سرمایشی و گرمایشی در یک سیستم یکپارچه قرار دارند و نیازی به سیستم های دیگر نیست. این بدان معناست که این دستگاه ها نه تنها خنک کننده یا گرمایشی هستند و هم می توانند به عنوان وسایل گرمایشی و هم سرمایشی استفاده شوند.
نوع تبخیری
دستگاه خنک کننده با کویل آب گرم
واشر هوا خنک کننده با کویل آب گرم
زنت و ایرواشر هر دو سرمایش هوا را بر اساس سیستم تبخیر انجام می دهند (مشابه کولر آبی) و برای گرمایش کافی است یک یا تعدادی کویل آب گرم مخصوص داخل آن قرار داده شود تا آب گرم موتورخانه یا پکیج پمپ شود. به کویل و با چرخش فن تعبیه شده در پشت کویل، عمل گرمایش هوای این دستگاه ها نیز انجام می شود.
نوع فشرده سازی
دستگاه پکیج سقفی (یونیت پکیج) کویل آب گرم
پکیج سقفی یا پکیج یونیت از دو قسمت چیلر و تهویه مطبوع در یک دستگاه یکپارچه تشکیل شده است. چیلر وظیفه خنک کردن هوا را بر عهده دارد. کویل آب گرم در قسمت کولر گازی این دستگاه نیز برای گرم کردن هوا نیاز به آب گرم پکیج گازسوز یا دیگ موتورخانه دارد.
یونیت بخاری (با فن)
دستگاهی است که شامل یک سیم پیچ سیم پیچی است که در آن آب گرم تولید شده در ژنراتور (پکیج گاز یا دیگ بخار) به داخل جریان یافته و توسط فن گرم می شود و هوا از اطراف سیم پیچ عبور کرده و به محیط ارسال می شود. این دستگاه اغلب در سوله هایی که ارتفاع سقف بالایی دارند استفاده می شود، زیرا دارای فن های پرقدرت هستند که پس از تنظیم دما قادر به پرتاب حجم زیادی از هوا هستند.
کولر گازی (با قابلیت فیلتراسیون، رطوبت گیر و رطوبت زدایی)
این دستگاه ها (فن کویل و تهویه مطبوع) هم برای توزیع هوای سرد و هم برای گرما استفاده می شوند. در تابستان آب سرد و در زمستان آب گرم در آنها جریان دارد.
این دو نوع سیستم از پرکاربردترین انواع سیستم های تهویه ساختمان هستند که هر کدام کاربردها، مزایا و معایب خاص خود را دارند.
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canon printer reset restores your printer to its default settings, resolving issues like error messages, connectivity problems, or performance issues. This process erases customized configurations, returning the printer to its factory state. Follow specific instructions for your Canon model to ensure a smooth reset, enhancing overall printing functionality.
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Seeing the origins of fast fashion and its subsequent impact on the environment really puts things into perspective. The fact that the fashion industry is one of the top polluters is concerning. The #FastFashion movement on Twitter and other platforms is doing a great job of highlighting these issues. It’s up to all of us to support this movement by making more responsible fashion choices. Every small step counts towards creating a more sustainable future.
The transition from labor-intensive clothing production in the 1800s to the explosion of fast fashion in recent decades is fascinating. It’s clear that fast fashion has had a significant negative impact on our environment. The rise of the #FastFashion movement shows that consumers are no longer willing to turn a blind eye. It’s heartening to see people using social media to push for more sustainable and ethical fashion practices. This movement has the potential to reshape the industry for the better.
It’s inspiring to see the shift in consumer mindset towards more sustainable fashion practices. The impact of fast fashion on the environment is staggering, and it’s crucial that we all take steps to reduce our carbon footprint. The rise of the #FastFashion movement on social media is a testament to the power of collective action. By raising awareness and supporting ethical brands, we can make a significant difference. Let’s continue to educate ourselves and others about the importance of sustainable fashion choices.
It’s fascinating how fashion, once a symbol of progress during the Industrial Revolution, has now become a catalyst for environmental concern. The rise of fast fashion in recent decades has indeed flooded markets with cheap clothing, but at a significant cost to our planet. Initiatives like the #FastFashion movement on Twitter are crucial in raising awareness about the industry’s environmental impact. It’s inspiring to see consumers taking charge and demanding change from fashion companies.
As consumers, we hold the power to drive sustainable practices in the fashion industry by making informed choices and supporting brands that prioritize ethical production and environmental stewardship. The Twitter-driven #FastFashion movement is proof of how social media can amplify voices and spark meaningful conversations about responsible consumption.
The evolution of the fashion industry from the Industrial Revolution to today’s fast fashion era is both fascinating and concerning. It’s remarkable how awareness about environmental and ethical issues has sparked movements.
The impact of fast fashion on our planet cannot be overstated. It’s encouraging to see consumers embracing the #FastFashion movement to combat its detrimental effects. Through social media activism, individuals are not only raising awareness but also demanding accountability from fashion companies. This grassroots effort is pivotal in fostering a more sustainable future for the industry and our planet.
By promoting discussions and sharing information, users are driving meaningful change and urging brands to adopt more responsible practices. It’s inspiring to witness this collective effort towards slowing down the impacts of fast fashion and advocating for a greener, more ethical fashion industry.
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I’ve been trying to make more conscious fashion choices lately, thanks to the information shared by the #FastFashion movement. It’s empowering to see how small changes in our shopping habits can contribute to a more sustainable future.
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