Uber CEO Kalanick announced his permanent leave from the company. On June 20, 2017, Travis Kalanick, the CEO of Uber, officially resigned from his position following a shareholder and investor revolt in light of the years’ controversies.[39]
Google Trends data on the relevance of #DeleteUber searches in 2017
This timeline shows the google data on how often searches for #DeleteUber occurred during 2017, with a peak in late January and a second peak in late February, when the first two Uber controversies arose: The airport taxi strike and Susan Fowler’s letter.
This data from Google Trends is showing the search results of #DeleteUber from late january to late february. Again, here you can see a spike in search results beginning almost instantly at the time of the initial controversy at the JFK Airport in late January. Prior to that instance there were no previous #DeleteUber searches.