- Introduction
- Context
- Key Actors
- Social Media Presence
- Offline Presence
- Impact of the Movement
- Critiques of the Movement
- Conclusion

On Wednesday, April 24th, 2013, an eight-story commercial building collapsed in the Dhaka district in Bangladesh. Referred to as the Rana Plaza garment factory collapse, the accident killed 1,134 garment workers and injured an additional 2,500, making it the deadliest garment-factory disaster in history.[2] Motivated by the tragedy, former fashion designers and founders of Fashion Revolution Orsola de Castro and Carry Somers set out to create a movement that would shed light on the fashion industry’s supply chain and urge people to hold the industry accountable.[3] The #WhoMadeMyClothes hashtag was launched in 2014 and became the number 1 global trend on Twitter. It has received over 156 million impressions online to date.[4] They asked an important question through the hashtag #WhoMadeMyClothes because they wanted consumers to become aware of the brands that they purchase from as well as support brands that do not enslave or endanger workers, have fair pay, and conserve the environment. Since the start of the movement, the founding company Fashion Revolution continues to hold a Fashion Revolution week each year to mark the anniversary of the Rana Plaza disaster and continues to spread awareness surrounding the issue.[5] The movement utilized social media to provide a way to inform people of the injustice in the fashion industry and encourage people to be more cognizant of what they wear. While there were tangible changes in the legislation regarding supply chains and garment industry worker pay, the movement failed to spark a monumental shift in how the fashion industry runs seeing that companies continue to participate in fast fashion.
Name of Movement
The #WhoMadeMyClothes movement was created to inspire consumers to make a change in the fashion industry by holding companies accountable and increasing supply chain transparency. It aligns with people’s current attitudes towards a sustainable future and increased individual activism. By getting consumers to ask the question of where their clothes are produced, it encourages people to take part in the movement and spend a little more time thinking about their own choices in the fashion industry. It also allowed garment workers to contribute to the movement by responding with #IMadeYourClothes, opening up the conversation to both sides of the industry.[6]
The #WhoMadeMyClothes movement addresses a wide range of social issues including the trend towards sustainable fashion and fashion activism, the ethics of supply chains, the issue of fast fashion, human and worker’s rights, and the environmental impact of the fashion industry.
Key Terms
Fast fashion — the concept of producing inexpensive clothing for mass-market retailers to create fashion trends quickly, cheaply, and make them readily available to consumers
Garment factory — a clothing manufacturer
Fashion activism — using fashion to create social change
Child labor — illegally or inhumanely using children in business or industry

Political Affiliation
#WhoMadeMyClothes has little to almost no political affiliation. However, in Bangladesh, the issue of cheap labor for the garment workers and the lack of safety regulations for the industry are highly political since cheap labor accounts for the majority of the country’s economy. In 2015, apparel exports accounted for 83% of Bangladesh’s total exports.[11]

Key Images

On Wednesday, 24 April 2013, an eight-story commercial building in Dhaka called the Rana Plaza collapsed. 1,134 people died and approximately 2,500 people were injured. It is considered the deadliest structural failure accident in modern human history and the deadliest garment-factory disaster in history.
Following the collapse of the Rana Plaza, thousands of garment workers went to the streets of Dhaka to protest. Many of the protesters demanded the death penalty for Sohel Rana, the owner of the building, as well as the owners of the garment factories on the upper floors. More than 150 vehicles were damaged, and protesters burned two factories.
After the Rana Plaza tragedy, the IndustriALL Global Union and the UNI Global Union in alliance with leading NGOs decided to create an accord promoting fashion companies to make efforts to ensure the safety and well-being of fashion workers. Since 2013, the accord has been signed by more than 200 companies from over 20 countries.
Fashion Revolution is a non-profit global movement with teams in over 100 countries around the world campaigning for transparency and change in the fashion industry. Together with the organization, Orsola de Castro and Carry Somers started the #WhoMadeMyClothes campaign through Twitter to bring awareness to the general public.
After a series of protests from garment workers and the critics from the international community, the government of Bangladesh decided to create a three-way negotiation between the labor union, government, and the factory owners to negotiate the raise in garment worker’s wage. Ultimately, on November 24, 2013, the government decided to increase the minimum monthly wage from 3,000 Taka ($38) to 5,300 Taka ($68), effective by January 1, 2014.
On May 29th, 2015, True Cost, a documentary directed by Andrew Morgan and produced by Michael Ross was released. The documentary exposed the true working conditions at various cheap garment factories around the world, including the one in Bangladesh. It discusses various aspects of the garment industry, starting from the production; how the workers are faced with inhumane working conditions, to the aftereffects; pollution and environmental damages caused by the unsustainable manufacturing processes. The movie played a significant role in spreading awareness of the importance of sustainable and ethical fashion.
Following the expiration of the Building and Safety Accord signed in 2013, over 101 brands gather to sign the Transition Accord to ensure that the progress made over the past 5 years will still be maintained in the future. The 2018 agreement currently covers more than 1,200 factories and at least 2 million workers.
After long negotiations between the worker unions, factory owners, and the government, the government decided to increase the salary of garment workers by 51% to $95 per month.
Although the government increased the wage by 51%, the workers deemed the salary still too low to cover their living expenses. The new wage fell short to the demanded monthly wage of $189 proposed by the workers. As a result, workers initiated another protest with over 5000 participants, causing 52 factories across Dhaka to shut down.
Following the expiration of the Bangladesh Accord, European fashion brands who purchased readymade garments from Bangladesh agreed to hand over the responsibility to oversee worker’s safety to the Bangladesh government with its newly made organization called the Readymade Sustainability Council (RSC). The RSC is established by the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) to ensure a complete and independent national compliance monitoring system in Bangladesh. It will be governed by BGMEA, Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BKMEA), brands and workers’ representatives. However, fear began to spread amongst garment workers as they feared that the situation would revert to the conditions before the Rana Plaza incident without the supervision of the international community.
Key Actors
Carry Somers

Orsola de Castro

Emma Watson

Fashion Revolution

Somers and de Castro launched the #WhoMadeMyClothes hashtag in 2013.[27] The activity of Fashion Revolution and #WhoMadeMyClothes are inseparable. #WhoMadeMyClothes is one of Fashion Revolution’s primary channels to spread awareness about the issue of the unethical fashion manufacturing process.
IndustriALL Global Union

After the Rana Plaza incident in 2013, IndustriALL Global Union along with the UNI Global Union and several other NGOs stepped in to fight for labor rights and industry regulation reforms in Bangladesh. The organization played a vital role in establishing the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh, the accord which requires fashion companies to make efforts to ensure the safety and well-being of fashion workers.[30] After the expiration of the accord, IndustriAll Global Union also proposed a transition accord in 2018, called the 2018 Transition Accord to continue the progress and changes brought by the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh.[31]
International Labour Organization

Social Media Presence
The company Fashion Revolution created the #WhoMadeOurClothes movement to spread awareness for the tragedy that happened at Rana Plaza. Their first media outreach was ignited in Berlin in 2015 when Fashion Revolution placed an interactive photo booth promoting a bargain of “T-shirts for 2 Euros.” As people went up to the booth to insert their coins, a video automatically played displaying who was responsible for making the T-shirt and the history of cheap/fast fashion. At the end of every clip, the photo booth proceeded to ask whether they would still like to buy the T-shirt for 2 Euros or donate the money instead. Everyone who watched donated. This experiment was posted on Fashion Revolution’s Youtube channel, reaching 7 million views, and was the catalyst for the #WhoMadeOurClothes movement.[35] They proceeded to start campaigns through social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. In 2016, they reached 129 million people through social media campaigns and activities.[36] Fashion Revolution utilized Instagram by posting photos that challenged users to demand answers from fashion companies like Zara and H&M by using their hashtag on social media and directly emailing fast fashion companies.

Popular Hashtags
The first and main hashtag that has been used in the social media movement is #WhoMadeMyClothes. This hashtag was created the first year Fashion Revolution was founded (2013) in order to spread awareness for a fairer, safer and more transparent fashion industry.[38] In April 2018, this hashtag brought 720 million impressions to the movement which was a 35% increase from the previous year. There were 173K posts with the tag #WhoMadeOurClothes in 2018 with a reach of 275 million.[39]

In response to #WhoMadeOurClothes, brands and retailers started to respond to the movement with the hashtag #IMadeYourClothes.[41] #IMadeYourClothes was also tagged in many posts representing the harsh working conditions of many workers. This hashtag was first presented in 2016 and was able to reach 3500 producer voices within the first year.

In 2016, Fashion Revolution made another hashtag to spread awareness of their social movement named #HaulAlternative. #HaulAlternative was mainly targeted towards youtube watchers and creators to post a video of refreshing their current wardrobes instead of buying new clothes. This was inspired by traditional fashion hauls where individuals buy clothes and show off their new pieces. Instead, this hashtag started a conversation around why reusing and refreshing current pieces is better. This hashtag resulted in 3.11 million views of Fashion Revolution in 2016. #HaulAlternative project continued to grow throughout the years and in 2018 Kristen Leo’s Thrift Store Haul was viewed by 32,000 people and inspired over 70 high profile vloggers around the world to make their own videos.[43]
#FashionRevolutionWeek was one of the first hashtags used during Fashion Revolution week during April 23-29 (anniversary of Rana Plaza Collapse).


Social Media has played a vital role in the #WhoMadeMyClothes movement. The hashtag sparked consumer’s curiosity about the humanitarian and global aspects of the fashion world. Before, many consumers were not aware of the detriments in the fashion industry supply chain and the negative externalities of fast fashion. Fashion Revolution gave consumers a platform to ask about where their clothes came from and brought about a conscious effort to make a difference in the industry. Social media has also had an important role in this movement because it has allowed brands and companies to directly interact with their consumers. By responding with #IMadeYourClothes, brands can show consumers that they are passionate about the issue and want to provide transparency. In addition, the growth was very organic and founders Castro and Somers were unaware of how much the movement would catch and attract attention. What was first was a campaign to raise awareness ended up being a social media movement. As the movement online continued to grow, Fashion Revolution was able to increase their offline presence as well by pairing up with policymakers, partnerships, and student ambassadors to continue to spread awareness.
Offline Presence
Fashion Revolution has taken its strong online presence and turned to events and partnerships to expand its mission of awareness. As mentioned before, they are present offline in many categories including partnerships, student ambassadors and partnering with policymakers.
Partnerships and Events
One partnership that Fashion Revolution took part in was Earth Day in 2019. They partnered with Extinction Rebellion to highlight fashion’s place in the climate emergency ( Global Fashion Exchange, World Economic Forum). Fashion Revolution has over 500 global partnerships, 300 of them with NGOs and activist groups, 200 of them with educational organizations. Another partnership fashion revolution has done in the past is with Global Fashion Exchange. GFX and Fashion Revolution partnered with each other to produce a Global Swap event where consumers came and swapped their old clothes with others. The point of this event was to start a discussion on how consumers can change their habits by reevaluating the way they shop. In this event they were able to spread the knowledge on how increasing a clothes life by 9 months can actually lead to a reduction of 20-30% in carbon footprint.[50] Fashion Revolution has been able to host around 1000 events in the time they have started until now in order to spread their awareness.
Impact of the Movement
Policy Achievements
Since the start of Fashion Revolution, they have worked to fight for regulations that support the movement through the political sphere. Fashion Revolution has continuously partnered with government officials and committees as well as other nonprofit organizations to make an impact to fight for sustainable initiatives and systemic changes in the global fashion industry.
Reinforcing the UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015 was one of the biggest impacts they contributed to. In 2015, the UK Parliament passed the Modern Slavery Act, requiring big brands to explain what they were doing to tackle modern slavery within their supply chain.[51] While Fashion Revolution positively impacted this legislation, the Act did not create a central registry list to keep these brands accountable. However, in 2019, Fashion Revolution, in partnership with Traidcraft, asked the public to sign a petition to urge the UK government to do more than pass the 2015 Act. In response, the government compiled a commitment to launch an online registry that shows which companies are compliant with the law.
In February 2019, the UK Government’s Environmental Audit Committee released Fixing Fashion, a report highlighting evidence from global fashion retailers, supply chain experts, and environmental leaders on what the sustainability climate of the UK fashion industry looked like. Based on the evidence, The Committee urged the government to take action on the recommendations given from the report to help with the known social and environmental abuses happening because of the production, purchasing, and disposal of clothing. While the UK government’s ministers rejected all of the recommendations due to their desire to keep existing voluntary non-regulatory approaches, Fashion Revolution continues to work with the Environment Audit Committee to lobby for the reconsideration of the Government’s decision.
Other Achievements
The impact of the Fashion Revolution movement was not only within the political sphere or through policy reform. General awareness from the public about this movement, especially through social media, has grown significantly. To mark the 5th anniversary of Rana Plaza, Fashion Revolution created a campaign video in 2018 for #WhoMadeMyClothes.[52] The campaign video gained popularity globally, reaching more than 850,000 views and was a key approach to spreading awareness about the movement. During the annual Fashion Revolution week in 2018, the organization hit record numbers in terms of their reach. The movement reached 35% more individuals than the previous year in their social media presence and outreach. The hashtags, such as #WhoMadeMyClothes, used during the week of the Fashion Revolution movement, mobilized the reach from 150 million people in 2017 to 275 million in 2018 worldwide.
The significant increase in general awareness further incentivized global fashion brands to increase their transparency as a brand. In the 2018 Transparency Index, it was revealed that many of the global fashion brands only disclose little information on the workers within their supply chains. The Index provided an opportunity for these global fashion companies to change and even justify what exactly was happening within their supply chain. As of June 2018, about 172 brands across 68 countries began to reveal more information. In response to the hashtag, #WhoMadeMyClothes, more than 3,838 global brands also took to social media to respond with real information about their suppliers and workers.
Critiques of the Movement
Some brands are criticizing the methodology Fashion Revolution used to create the Transparency Index, an essential document of information that provides much of the leverage to get global brands to work with the cause.[53] They indicate that it is built on showing more of a brand’s communication policies rather than their social and environmental responsibilities.
Fashion Revolution’s co-founder Orsola de Castro responded to their criticism by indicating that the Index created does measure each brand’s communication with consumers about their supply chain. However, she also states that part of a brand’s obligations and responsibilities is their communication with consumers, especially on informing them how the product they purchase is made. De Castro admits that the Transparency Index is not perfect, but that if brands have good relationships with who they work with, it should be something that is shared and celebrated with Fashion Revolution.
The Fashion Revolution movement is still making an impact through the use of #WhoMadeMyClothes annually. The nonprofit organization behind the movement has a global network with volunteers all over the world, especially in the fashion industry, who spread awareness whether it is creating hashtag activism on social media, developing partnerships to create strategies for change, or building reports such as the Transparency Index. This movement continues to fight through three central areas. First, it is building over 500 partnerships that help build case studies on how and why the movement is important. Second, the movement continues to collaborate with 112 participating policymakers that actively advocate for Fashion Revolution in governmental space. Lastly, one of the biggest components of the movement is hosting the Annual Fashion Revolution week each April to boost awareness and increase people’s participation each year.
Author Biographies
Lindsay Timmerman | |
Lindsay is a third-year UC Berkeley student majoring in Business Administration and Economics. She is passionate about reducing economic inequality with a long-term career goal of increasing educational access for young girls in developing countries. When she’s not studying, you’ll find her in a yoga class or exploring the Bay Area.
Winnie Zhou | |
Winnie is a fourth-year UC Berkeley student studying Media Studies (Mass Communications) and Public Policy. She is passionate about environmental sustainability with a long-term future goal to work in corporate social responsibility. When she’s not working or studying, you can find her on traveling and eating adventures around the Bay Area and across the globe.
Stanford Anwar | |
Stanford is a third-year UC Berkeley student studying Business Administration and Data Science. He is passionate about the intersection between technology and business and how business can be utilized as a channel to impact society. When he’s not studying, you will find him playing badminton or exploring foods across the Bay Area.
Malika Mirbagheri||
Malika is a third-year UC Berkeley student studying Business Administration. Her passions include Marketing, Data Analytics, and Fashion. She is also passionate about the sustainability movement behind fashion industries and how the future is changing. Malika’s dream job would include working for a media or fashion company in Marketing Analytics. When she is not studying she is watching fashion and makeup videos on YouTube or filming TikToks.
[1] Yardley, Jim. “Report on Deadly Factory Collapse in Bangladesh Finds Widespread Blame.” The New York Times, 23 May 2013, Accessed 4 Mar. 2020.
[2] ibid.
[3] Omotoso, Moni. “‘Who Made My Clothes’ Movement – How it All Began.” Fashion Insiders, 5 Dec. 2018, Accessed 4 Mar. 2020.
[4] Egenhoefer, Rachel Beth. Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Design. Routledge, 2017.
[5] Blanchard, Tamsin. “Fashion Revolution Week: Seven Ways to Get Involved.” The Guardian, Guardian News, 24 Apr. 2018, Accessed 4 Mar. 2020.
[6] Omotoso, Moni. “‘Who Made My Clothes’ Movement – How it All Began.” Fashion Insiders, 5 Dec. 2018, Accessed 4 Mar. 2020.
[7] “Results for: #whomademyclothes.” Hashtagify, Accessed 14 Apr. 2020.
[8] ibid.
[9] ibid.
[10] ibid.
[11] “Bangladesh Exports By Category.” Trading Economics, 2019,
[12] ibid.
[13] “Home.” Fashion Revolution,
[14] Emma. “Https://” Milou & Pilou, Milou & Pilou, 4 May 2018,
[15] Yardley, Jim. “Report on Deadly Factory Collapse in Bangladesh Finds Widespread Blame.” The New York Times, 23 May 2013, Accessed 4 Mar. 2020.
[16] ibid.
[17] “Berliner Game Changer for More Sustainability in the Fashion Industry.” Berliner Game Changer for More Sustainability in the Fash | Berlin Fashion Week, 13 Sept. 2019,
[18] ibid.
[19] 2018, 4 July. “My Fashion Life: Carry Somers, Co-Founder of Fashion Revolution.” Drapers,
[20] ibid.
[21] “Fashion Revolution: All We Should Know, by Orsola De Castro – Luxiders.” Sustainable Fashion – Eco Design – Healthy Lifestyle – Luxiders Magazine, 31 Jan. 2018,
[22] ibid.
[23] Watson, Emma. “I’m Remembering #RanaPlaza Today, Four Years on… Please Consider” Twitter, Twitter, 24 Apr. 2017,
[24] “ABOUT.” Fashion Revolution,
[25] ibid.
[26] ibid.
[27] Blanchard, Tamsin. “Who Made My Clothes? Stand up for Workers’ Rights with Fashion Revolution Week | Tamsin Blanchard.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 22 Apr. 2019,
[28] “Who We Are.” IndustriALL, 21 June 2019,
[29] ibid.
[30] “More than 100 Brands Sign 2018 Transition Accord in Bangladesh.” IndustriALL, 14 Feb. 2018,
[31] ibid.
[32] “Mission and Impact of the ILO.” Mission and Impact of The,–en/index.htm.
[33] ibid.
[34] @ilo (International Labour Organization).”The ILO has been asking #WhoMadeMyClothes since 1919! Find out more: #ILO100“. Twitter, February 11 2019, 6:00 a.m.,
[35] “The 2 Euro T-Shirt – A Social Experiment.” YouTube, 23 Apr. 2015,
[36] “The consumer can make a difference.” Fashion Revolution,
[37] “2018 Impact.” Fashion Revolution,
[38] Omotoso, Moni. “‘Who Made My Clothes’ Movement – How it All Began.” Fashion Insiders, 5 Dec. 2018, Accessed 4 Mar. 2020.
[39] “2018 Impact.” Fashion Revolution,
[40] ibid.
[41] “Get Involved.” Fashion Revolution,
[42] @Fash_Rev (Fashion Revolution).”Download an ‘I made your clothes’ poster here:“. Twitter, April 14 2016, 3:01 a.m.,
[43]“HUGE 70’s Thrift Haul! 🌈 Designer Brands, PRADA & more #haulternative.” YouTube, 21 Mar. 2018,
[44] @WeeMissBea. “This is a beautiful video. My big bugbear is “Feminist” tshirts where the women who made them have not be treated fairly. Ask & look into #WhoMadeMyClothes Clothing is an industry we drive with our cash & we can not buy things if they are not made fairly. #FashionRevolutionWeek” Twitter, April 26 2018, 2:27 a.m.,
[45] “Wear your clothes inside out for Fashion Revolution Day.” The Guardian,
[46] “#Insideout – Six Months On.” Fashion Revolution, Fashion Revolution, 2015,
[47] FashionRevolution. Twitter, Twitter, 23 Jan. 2020,
[48] FashionRevolution. “This #FashionRevolution Week, from the 20th to the 26th of April 2020, We’re Joining Forces with @GFX_change to Make the Largest Swap in History and We Need Your Help to Do It. Register Your Interest and Stay up to Date! #ClothesSwap” Twitter, Twitter, 6 Dec. 2019,
[49] Person, and ProfilePage. “Fashion Revolution on Instagram: ‘The New Year Often Brings about Reflection, Goal Setting, and a Figurative Clean Slate. But When Marketing Messages Get Ahold of That…”.” Instagram,
[50]“Global Swap with Fashion Revolution 2019.” Fashion Revolution,
[51] Fashion Revolution. “Fashion Revolution Impact Report 2019.” Issuu, 3 Oct. 2019,
[52] “2018 Impact.” Fashion Revolution,
[53] Theodosi, Natalie. “Fashion Revolution Responds to Criticism From Brands on Its Transparency Index.” WWD, Penske Media Corporation, 29 Apr. 2016,
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The incident you’re referring to is the Rana Plaza collapse in Savar, a suburb of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The collapse occurred on April 24, 2013, and it was a tragic event that resulted in one of the deadliest industrial disasters in history. Rana Plaza housed several garment factories, and despite visible cracks in the building, workers were forced to continue their work, leading to the catastrophic collapse. The incident highlighted the unsafe working conditions and lack of regulatory oversight in the garment industry in Bangladesh. The aftermath of the Rana Plaza collapse prompted widespread outrage and calls for improved safety standards and workers’ rights in the global garment industry. It also led to various initiatives and changes within Bangladesh and the international community to address the issues raised by the incident.
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scam Tojo Natsu yang lahir pada 18 Agustus 1999 ini aktif di industry film dewasa jepang sejak Maret 2020. Dirinya debut akting lewat film yang diproduksi oleh Studio film JAV Faleno yang dirilis pada 11 Maret 2020. Wanita cantik yang tinggi 156 cm ini memiliki ukuran Cup Bra adalah C Cup. Informasi terkini ia membintang film yang diproduksi oleh Studio film JAV AVS collector’s, yang dirilis pada 22 November 2021.
scam Karen Yuzuriha yang lahir 27 Maret 2001 ini aktif di industry film dewasa jepang pada Maret 2021. Dirinya debut akting lewat film yang diproduksi oleh Studio film JAV OPPAI yang dirilis pada 17 Februari 2021. Wanita cantik yang tinggi 148 cm ini memiliki ukuran Cup Bra adalah H Cup. Informasi terkini ia membintang film yang diproduksi oleh Studio film JAV OPPAI, yang dirilis pada 15 November 2021.
scam Hana Himesaki yang lahir 29 Maret 2000 ini aktif di industry film panas jepang pada Juni 2020. Dirinya debut akting lewat film yang diproduksi oleh Studio film JAV SOD Create yang dirilis pada 8 Juni 2020. Wanita cantik yang tinggi 156 cm ini memiliki ukuran Cup Bra adalah I Cup. Informasi terkini ia membintang film yang diproduksi oleh Studio film JAV Crystal Eizo, yang dirilis pada 22 November 2021.
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The “Who Made My Clothes” online social media movement is revolutionizing how we think about fashion, sustainability, and ethics. See how this powerful campaign is encouraging consumers and companies alike to demand transparency in the fashion supply chain. Learn how you can join the global call for accountability. Discover more Online.
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درون ریزی قالب وودمارت (( با یک کلیک ))
درون ریزی قالب وودمارت
در نسخه اورجینال سایت سازنده قالب Woodmart بیش از 164 دمو آماده درون ریزی شده است. این دمو ها شامل بیش از 82 دمو المنتوری و 82 دموی ویژوال کامپوزر هستند تا با هر کدام از صفحه سازهای محبوب جهان که راحت تر باشید بتوانید سایت خود را راه اندازی کنید.
درون ریزی قالب وودمارت نیازمند فعال سازی لایسنس قالب است که در نسخه اصلی سایت سازنده ارائه شده است. همچنین یونی وودمارت مرجع قالب وودمارت در ایران نسخه اورجینال و فعال سازی شده این قالب را با لایسنس فعال برای کاربران ایرانی آماده کرده است. در نسخه یونی وودمارت تمام امکانات قالب از جمله ویژگی درون ریزی قالب وودمارت و 164 دمو آماده فراهم شده است.
برای نصب و راه اندازی سایت با دموهای آماده کافی است پس از نصب قالب یونی وودمارت (فعال سازی شده) از پنل تنظیمات قالب برای درون ریزی قالب وودمارت و دمو مورد نظر اقدام کنید. همان طور که اشاره شد تنوع دمو ها شامل بیش از 82 دموی المنتور و 82 دموی صفحه ساز ویژوال کامپوزر می شود.
نصب دمو قالب وودمارت (( 164 دمو فارسی ))
نصب دمو قالب وودمارت
یونی وودمارت مرجع قالب وودمارت در ایران مفتخر است برای اولین بار در جهان تمام دموهای قالب وودمارت را راستچین و فارسی سازی کند. برای همه دمو ها یک فایل بسته نصبی آسان قالب به صورت سایت آماده نیز تهیه شده است. به کمک نصب آسان می توانید یک سایت آماده مشابه دموی فارسی مورد نظر را به سادگی چند کلیک راه اندازی کنید.
بسته 164 دموی قالب وودمارت فارسی یونی وودمارت شامل تمام 82 دمو المنتور و 82 دمو ویژوال کامپوزر سایت سازنده می باشد که فارسی سازی و راستچین شده و با بسته نصبی آسان ارائه شده اند.
آموزش نصب دمو قالب وودمارت با بسته نصبی و بیش از 5 ساعت آموزش کار با قالب وودمارت در یونی وودمارت تقدیم کاربران می شود.
دانلود دموهای قالب وودمارت فارسی (( 328 دموی یونی وودمارت ))
دموهای قالب وودمارت فارسی
برای دانلود دموهای قالب وودمارت می توانید بسته دانلود قالب وودمارت را از سایت یونی وودمارت تهیه کنید. در این نسخه علاوه بر فایل اصلی قالب با لایسنس فعال و امکان درون ریزی 164 دمو، بسته نصبی 164 سایت آماده فارسی (در مجموع 328 دمو آماده) و 20 افزونه پرمیوم هدیه دیگر نیز دریافت می کنید.
قالب اورجینال با ترجمه فارسی و کاملا راستچین
بسته 164 دمو آماده فارسی با بسته نصبی آسان
امکان درون ریزی 164 دموی المنتور و ویژوال کامپوزر
مجموع دموها شامل 328 دمو آماده
بسته 20 افزونه پرمیوم هدیه
بیش از 100 فونت فارسی نصب شده روی قالب
پشتیبانی رایگان و همیشگی
بروزرسانی رایگان و همیشگی
نصب رایگان قالب و راه اندازی اولیه
با 30 روز ضمانت اطمینان خرید
✅ برای تهیه نسخه اورجینال و فارسی قالب یونی وودمارت + 328 دمو + 100 فونت فارسی + 20 افزونه هدیه ❤️ با پشتیبانی و بروزرسانی رایگان همیشگی و 30 روز ضمانت همین حالا به لینک زیر مراجعه کنید:
خرید قالب وودمارت
خرید قالب آسترا پرو فارسی از یونی آسترا
یونی آسترا مرجع قالب آسترا در ایران
کاملترین نسخه قالب آسترا کاملا فارسی و راست چین (اختصاصی)
قابل نصب بر روی بی نهایت سایت (بدون محدودیت لایسنس)
همراه 300+ دمو آماده فارسی با بسته نصبی آسان (اختصاصی) + 1000 دمو دیگر
همراه 40 افزونه هدیه و پرمیوم (اختصاصی)
بیش از 100 فونت فارسی (اختصاصی)
پشتیبانی و بروزرسانی رایگان و همیشگی (اختصاصی)
نصب و راه اندازی رایگان قالب بدون هزینه (اختصاصی)
با 30 روز ضمانت بازگشت سفارش مشروط (اختصاصی)
بدون محدودیت در تعداد نصب و لایسنس (نامحدود)
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Hello everyone, today we have an interesting topic to share, which is a recommendation for ดูหนังออนไลน์ฟรี about building collapses. Yes, it may sound exciting and thrilling, but this type of movie doesn’t only have thrilling action scenes. There is also knowledge about building structures, engineering, and emergency management hidden in the story.
Imagine when we see news about building collapses, it is often a story that affects the mind. But watching a movie that presents this issue, in addition to being entertaining, also helps us understand its causes and effects better.
The Tower (2012) This Korean movie tells the story of a fire in a luxury skyscraper during the Christmas season. The movie does not only have exciting fire scenes, but also shows the design flaws, neglect of safety standards, and the terrifying consequences for human life.
Skyscraper (2018) Starring The Rock, this movie is about a skyscraper that is attacked and catches fire. This story is suitable for those who like action and excitement, but at the same time, it also contains knowledge about building structures, security, and technology in tall buildings.
The Impossible (2012) Although not directly about a collapsed building, this story tells the true story of a family who faced the tsunami in 2004, which had a great impact on many buildings. And this movie also helps us to understand disaster management in depth.
Understand the real problems. These movies help us see the causes of the incident, such as the use of substandard materials, careless design, or deficiencies in safety systems.
Learn survival. Many movies have scenes that directly teach us what to do when faced with an unexpected event, such as finding a way out, assessing the situation, or even helping others.
Raise awareness. After watching, we will look at skyscrapers or large buildings around us with a new perspective. That these structures are not always strong and need professional care.
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This terrible tragedy in Bangladesh in 2013 was the last straw that made many people think about the origin and production method of the clothes they wear. In addition, I know that companies not only from the fashion world have joined the #WhoMadeMyClothes movement. For example, the company CARSHE, a developer of exhibition stands, also supported it. Its design bureau created special stickers with the logo and stuck them on all of its exhibition stands. It should be noted that the exhibition stand design from CARSHE is very bright and attracts the attention of absolutely all visitors of the exhibition. Consequently, brochures with the call #WhoMadeMyClothes were also seen by thousands of people. I hope that in the future more and more companies will pay attention to the need to maintain normal production conditions for workers.
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6623 – là nhà cái uy tín tòan cầu với thương hiệu được xây dựng nhiều năm. Mang đến cho anh em game thủ các hình thức chơi hấp dẫn như Gam bài, bắn cá, thể thao, cá cược… Luôn đảm bảo rút nạp nhanh chóng phục vụ hỗ trợ mọi vấn đề 24/7. Hãy cùng trải nghiệm nhé!
Auf (( ) erhalten Sie Ihren Führerschein, Bootsführerschein, Personalausweise, Aufenthaltserlaubnisse, Jagdscheine und Lösungen für gesperrte Führerscheine schnell – keine Prüfungen oder Tests erforderlich, Lieferung in nur fünf Tagen. Entdecken Sie unser Angebot an Dienstleistungen und gefälschten Dokumenten mit internationalem Versand.
iwin là một trong những nền tảng giải trí trực tuyến hàng đầu tại Việt Nam, nơi người chơi có thể tham gia vào hàng loạt game hấp dẫn với nhiều chủ đề khác nhau.
Auf (( ) erhalten Sie Ihren Führerschein, Bootsführerschein, Personalausweise, Aufenthaltserlaubnisse, Jagdscheine und Lösungen für gesperrte Führerscheine schnell – keine Prüfungen oder Tests erforderlich, Lieferung in nur fünf Tagen. Entdecken Sie unser Angebot an Dienstleistungen und gefälschten Dokumenten mit internationalem Versand.
27. Swedish: På (( )) får du ditt körkort, båtförarintyg, ID-kort, uppehållstillstånd, jaktlicens och lösningar för indragna körkort snabbt – inga prov eller tester krävs, levereras på bara fem dagar. Utforska vårt utbud av tjänster och falska dokument med internationell leverans tillgänglig
26. Spanish: En (( )) obtén tu licencia de conducir, licencia de barco, tarjetas de identificación, permisos de residencia, licencia de caza y soluciones para licencias suspendidas rápidamente—sin exámenes ni pruebas requeridas, entregado en solo cinco días. Explora nuestra gama de servicios y documentos falsos con entrega internacional disponible.
25. Slovenian: Na (( hitro pridobite vozniško dovoljenje, dovoljenje za čoln, osebne izkaznice, dovoljenja za prebivanje, lovsko dovoljenje in rešitve za odvzete vozniške izkaznice – brez izpitov ali testov, dostavljeno v samo petih dneh. Raziščite našo ponudbo storitev in ponarejenih dokumentov z možnostjo mednarodne dostave.
25. Slovenian: Na (( hitro pridobite vozniško dovoljenje, dovoljenje za čoln, osebne izkaznice, dovoljenja za prebivanje, lovsko dovoljenje in rešitve za odvzete vozniške izkaznice – brez izpitov ali testov, dostavljeno v samo petih dneh. Raziščite našo ponudbo storitev in ponarejenih dokumentov z možnostjo mednarodne dostave.
23. Romanian: Pe (( )) obțineți permisul de conducere, permisul de barcă, cărțile de identitate, permisele de ședere, permisul de vânătoare și soluțiile pentru permisele suspendate rapid – fără examene sau teste necesare, livrate în doar cinci zile. Explorați gama noastră de servicii și documente false disponibile cu livrare internațională.
2. Belgian (Dutch): Bij (( )) krijgt u uw rijbewijs, vaarbewijs, ID-kaarten, verblijfsvergunningen, jachtvergunning en oplossingen voor geschorste rijbewijzen snel – geen examens of tests vereist, geleverd in slechts vijf dagen. Ontdek ons aanbod aan diensten en valse documenten met internationale levering.
1. Austrian (German): Auf (( ) erhalten Sie Ihren Führerschein, Bootsführerschein, Personalausweise, Aufenthaltserlaubnisse, Jagdscheine und Lösungen für gesperrte Führerscheine schnell – keine Prüfungen oder Tests erforderlich, Lieferung in nur fünf Tagen. Entdecken Sie unser Angebot an Dienstleistungen und gefälschten Dokumenten mit internationalem Versand.
В (( )) получавате вашата шофьорска книжка, лодкарска книжка, лични карти, разрешителни за пребиваване, ловни книжки и решения за отнети книжки бързо – без изпити или тестове, доставени само за пет дни. Разгледайте нашата гама от услуги и фалшиви документи с международна доставка. (( gaukite vairuotojo pažymėjimą, laivo vairuotojo pažymėjimą, tapatybės korteles, leidimus gyventi, medžioklės leidimą ir sprendimus dėl sustabdytų vairuotojo pažymėjimų greitai – nereikalaujama jokių egzaminų ar testų, pristatymas per penkias dienas. Išnagrinėkite mūsų paslaugų asortimentą ir suklastotus dokumentus, kuriuos galima gauti su tarptautiniu pristatymu. (( gaukite vairuotojo pažymėjimą, laivo vairuotojo pažymėjimą, tapatybės korteles, leidimus gyventi, medžioklės leidimą ir sprendimus dėl sustabdytų vairuotojo pažymėjimų greitai – nereikalaujama jokių egzaminų ar testų, pristatymas per penkias dienas. Išnagrinėkite mūsų paslaugų asortimentą ir suklastotus dokumentus, kuriuos galima gauti su tarptautiniu pristatymu.
Vietnē ( )) jūs varat ātri iegūt savu autovadītāja apliecību, laivu vadītāja apliecību, personas apliecības, uzturēšanās atļaujas, medību atļaujas un risinājumus apturētām autovadītāja apliecībām – bez eksāmeniem un pārbaudēm, piegāde tikai piecu dienu laikā. Iepazīstieties ar mūsu pakalpojumu un viltotu dokumentu klāstu ar starptautisku piegādi.
Sur (( )), obtenez votre permis de conduire, permis bateau, cartes d’identité, permis de séjour, permis de chasse et solutions pour permis suspendus rapidement – pas d’examens ni de tests requis, livrés en seulement cinq jours. Découvrez notre gamme de services et de faux documents avec livraison internationale disponible. (( )) får du dit kørekort, bådførerbevis, ID-kort, opholdstilladelser, jagttegn og løsninger til suspenderede kørekort hurtigt – ingen eksamener eller prøver kræves, leveret på kun fem dage. Udforsk vores udvalg af tjenester og falske dokumenter med international levering.
xfbvdfgdfgdfgdfgfd (( ) krijgt u uw rijbewijs, vaarbewijs, ID-kaarten, verblijfsvergunningen, jachtvergunning en oplossingen voor geschorste rijbewijzen snel – geen examens of tests vereist, geleverd in slechts vijf dagen. Ontdek ons aanbod aan diensten en valse documenten met internationale levering. (( ) отримаєте своє водійське посвідчення, ліцензію на човен, посвідчення особи, посвідки на проживання, мисливські ліцензії та рішення для анульованих водійських прав швидко – без іспитів чи тестів, доставка лише за п’ять днів. Ознайомтесь з нашим асортиментом послуг та підробленими документами з міжнародною доставкою. поможет вам быстро получить водительские права, права на вождение лодок, удостоверение личности, вид на жительство, охотничьи лицензии и решения о приостановлении действия прав – без проб и тестов, с доставкой всего за пять дней. Ознакомьтесь с нашим ассортиментом услуг и поддельных документов с международной доставкой.
dfbvdssdfdsfsfsdfdsfsfsdfdsfsd (( ) ) saat ajokorttisi, veneilykorttisi, henkilökorttisi, oleskeluluvat, metsästysluvat ja ratkaisut peruutetuille ajokorteille nopeasti – ei kokeita tai testejä, toimitus vain viidessä päivässä. Tutustu palveluvalikoimaamme ja väärennettyihin asiakirjoihimme, joilla on kansainvälinen toimitus.
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Với công nghệ bảo mật tiên tiến, xocdia88 cam kết bảo vệ tối đa thông tin người dùng. Hãy yên tâm tận hưởng những giây phút giải trí đỉnh cao tại đây!